He is Masters in Business Administration with specialization in Sales/Marketing & HR with 15+ years of industry experience.
He is having 4+ years of relevant experience in Sale & Marketing.
He is BCA and MBA with specialization in Sales & Marketing+ 8 years of industry experience in Sales, Marketing and Customer Relationship.
He is knowledgeable person about service of electrical product with 25+ years of industry experience.
He is Bachelor of Technology with specialization in Electrical Engineering with 4+ years of industry experience.
He is Diploma in Engineering with specialization in Electronics Engineering with 22+ years of industry experience.
He is M.com and CMA (Inter) with 7+ years of Finance, Accounts and Taxation Experience in industry.
He is Diploma in Secretarial Practise with 10+years of experience in administration & purchase.
He is Master of Commerce with 5+ years of experience in Finance, Accounts & GeM tendering/Govt tendering.